Triobiotics / Probiogenics is a new and better system for intestinal / immune health, its real value is built upon scientific evidences.Learn more
"Tribiotics / Probiogenics" vs. "Synbiotics"
Probiotics! Not good enough ?
>>> Probiotics + Prebiotics!! Still not good enough??
>>>>> Probiotics + Prebiotics + Postbiotics/Immunobiotics!!! Instant,
Multiple and Amplified effects !
It's a new system and better
- Tribiotics 三生元® / Probiogenics -

ProbioticsLearn more
PostbioticsLearn more
PrebioticsLearn more
What is Biogenics? Paraprobiotics & Postbiotics 后生元
Better and faster: Gain from loss!
The term "Biogenics" was chosen for acknowledging its difference from Probiotics and Prebiotics. While Probiotics employ live bacteria cultures and Prebiotics use non-digestible foods such as fiber to stimulate the growth of beneficial bacteria in the digestive system, Biogenics uses bacteria cell wall (Paraprobiotics), metabolites (Postbiotics) and its active ingredients to do the work of both.

Our Biogenics (Heat Sealed/Killed /NEXT Probiotics/Immunobiotics ) are obtained from specific probiotic strains and can generate synergy effect with Probiotics and Prebiotics to form a new, better and faster system- Probiogenics ! By advanced heat treament and de-aggregation technologies, we made Biogenics much more stable and effecitve than original Probiotics.
Tribiotics/Probiogenics makes probiotics even better!
Tribiotics/Probiogenics = Probiotics + Prebiotics + Postbiotics:A new system, faster and better! │Intestinal Health│Immune enhancement│Anti-allergy│
New system for Immune HealthIntestinal/Immune Health,
New system for beauty from withinWhitening, Elasticizing,
Anti-Aging, Moisturizing
New system for jointcareRelieve Joint Pain,
Reduce Inflammation,
Increase Mobility
Chambio Co., Ltd.ISO - 9001 certified.A member of IPA
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